5 Zodiac Signs Who Are Highly Intelligent Yet Struggle to Succeed Due to Laziness

We all know the saying, “Work smarter, not harder.” Intelligent But what if you’re so smart that working harder becomes hard work?

Some zodiacs are born brilliant but tend to be distracted by laid-back nature and not able to focus on what they would achieve from their brilliance.

Are you one among them? Well, let’s find out if your zodiac falls under the list of brainy but slightly lazy to touch their potential heights. Get ready, we are going in!


Libras are those very rare intellectual heavyweights in the astrology world. Sharp minds coupled with a keen sense of understanding drive them a few steps ahead of the crowd.

Critical thinking and deep analysis are accompanied by the great sense of fairness; thus, their qualities integrate them into splendid problem solvers and decision makers. Well, there’s a catch.


It may sound like a gift, but not all Libras like that perfect, though enviable, intellect. Because they have a very relaxed way of living, in general, they develop a typical habit of procrastination and a very long waiting game before initiation of action, most often waiting for that “expected perfect time,” which never seems to arrive.

If one were to measure success with intelligence, Libras would go well up high. Its very reluctance to work consistently is the key obstacle to such progress. Libras love the idea of success but would like to have it without work.

So while capable of achieving great strides, such irrefutable love for an easy style leaves them short of living up to a great part of their potential. The conundrum of being a Libra is so much interesting-bright yet quite too much comfortable in that comfort zone.


Aquarians are cleverer than bright indeed. Since they are perfect in enlightened thinking and give things unique perspective, these people can threaten anyone at their wits. The way they view reality is completely different from others, and thus they have their strength.

But funnily, the whole story of an Aquarian turns out to be somewhat else. They are almost always painted as the very least carefree and lay back attitude-just not for them. Flippancy in life sometimes leads them to fail.

A brilliant idea from Aquarius rarely comes into concrete form. The possibility is high; his talent can lead him to the top, but he often loses interest. Sometimes Aquarians are so much hassle-free, it disables them to convert their brilliant ideas into fruitful results just because of lacking drive and momentum.

Even with great intelligence, Aquarians lack consistency and commitment. They love freedom at such a level that they do not translate their free activities into constant activity. Thus, a talented procrastinator.

And really, this is the narrative of the Aquarian-fabulously brilliant, subtly lazy.


Wisdom and understanding seem to be the priceless jewels gifted to this twenty-third sign of the zodiac. These people seem to develop a quite unique capacity to comprehend complicated things perfectly and think outside of traditional ways. People might consider their creativity and intuitive side so exceptional that they would be left in awe.

Although they seem to excel in intellectual pursuits, most people consider them dreamers. They tend to fantasize without a proper course of action to manifest those dreams. Such natures are secluded from actualities some times, losing track of their phenomenal imaginations from time to time.

They have the brainpower to achieve things beyond limits yet often deter themselves with daydreaming and little motivation. Pisces is all about unrealized potential – extremely intelligent but very much caught into the clouds.


Adventurous and open-minded, Sagittarians reflect the thirst for knowledge which defines them as having the ability to learn quickly. Their intellectual direction of unlimited thirst for knowledge drives them toward newly distillated ideas and notions, coining them as one of the shrewdest signs of the zodiac.

On but an interesting note, this love for freedom and independence of theirs can turn into a lack of discipline and focus at certain times. Sagittarians are infamous for starting projects with a buzz, losing interest halfway.

Undoubtedly, a Sagittarian has the traits of a winner; yet at times, his inconsistency and lack of commitment deprive him of potential success. His very paradox exists: shying away from repetitiveness leads him to be extraordinarily knowledgeable yet oddly distracted.


Geminis are intuitively intellectual with their quick wit and adaptability. Their insatiable quest for knowledge allows them to learn about any subject under the sun. Their heads drown in all possible ideas, casting their proverbial spell on the world with their mental acuteness.


Though gifted with an intuitive intellect, Geminis are growingly recognized for inconsistency and indecision. They flitter about from one affair to another, rather often leaving lalapalooza hang-ups inanzura.

They should have used their brains for their eminent success stories if only they could siphon some of that energy into a goal. Sadly, change and diversity often plant an anchor in dirt, stopping whatever they might start to achieve from moving forward. One can’t but love the Gemini story-it’s a story of being blessed with intellect but cursed with restlessness.

Final words

Being highly intelligent and simultaneously too laid-back is an experience of mankind and is filled with contradictions; it is a parcel shared by these zodiac signs.

Before putting together this article, I mostly thought intelligence led to success. The attributes of these zodiac signs really opened my mind towards an alternate view.

No matter how go-getting or laid-back you are, a unique wealth exists in this balance that we all should strive for.

After all, some of the greatest achievements are born from smart thinking in tandem with overcoming the pull of laziness!

So, if you find yourself in these signs, realize it’s a time whereby your intelligence should shine and your laziness should take the back seat!


Which are the signs said to be smart but lazy?

Some signs, like Pisces, Taurus, Libra, Gemini, or Sagittarius, are believed to have mass amounts of intellectual potential but have a hard time with motivation or lazy acts.

Why are particular signs said to be lazy when they could be geniuses?

some signs lay more of an inclination to be relaxed or distracted than others; for instance, those under the sign of Pisces daydream and lose concentration. In the case of Taurus, they simply become too cozy to muster enough initiative to move forward.

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