Let’s be honest. We all gossip. Whenever we hear something scandalous or contentious about someone we know we are the first to go and tell our intimates – normally our best friends and partners all about it. There are, however, some zodiac signs that gossip all the time and with everybody. Their noses are in everybody’s business. They are the ones you can catch eavesdropping on their co-worker’s conversation. Or staking out somebody on all of their social media profiles to get some scandal dirt on them. Indeed, these zodiac signs are not even below resorting to some extreme form of snooping to excavate some scandalous gossip about a person. Zodiac signs who gossip not just wants to find out more about the individuals that they personally know. They are constantly inquisitive. They are the ones to be interested in their cousin’s friend’s boyfriend or even minor celebrities.
But hey, gossip people are not all bad. For one, thing it is quite fun to talk to them because they know so much about everybody. It’s like being friends with Google. They are people you go to if you want to have a fun and laid-back day. Zodiac signs who gossip can also be used as tracking devices. No, we are not joking. Whether you want to know where your crush is partying for the night or if you suspect your partner of infidelity, they are the ones you contact. So long as you are do not become their fodder for gossip, it’s all well and good.
Here are the 5 zodiac signs that love to gossip according to astrology.
1. Gemini
There is no need to explain about this one. There is just no other zodiac sign person who can join the list of zodiac gossip signs but the Gemini. Geminis have a high rate of dependence on gossip and it’s close to impossible for them not to probe other people’s affairs. If the zodiac is interested, they will get to know all there is about you within a span of days. They possess many friends through whom they receive information about different individuals on an ongoing basis. Perhaps that is the only reason Geminis enjoy having such a large group of friends.
Air sign is also super intuitive. They seem to possess a kind of sixth sense to smell out information. They have a photographic memory as well and will never lose any tasty gossip or rumour they have picked up. We’d warn you not to leak your beans to this zodiac if you do not want to see it all over the front page the next day.
2. Sagittarius
Sags are gossips and survive on it. We are quite certain they hang out only to find out what is going on with people. At any party you will find them chatting with several people and gathering information and then going and spilling everything to their own group. The zodiac gossips so much that they also plan with individuals so that they may get some information out of them. For instance, it would not be out of character for a Sag to run into the close acquaintance of some sort of enemy simply in order to hear some gossip.
If the star sign is attracted to someone or finds someone interesting, they will stalk their Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and even LinkedIn to try to uncover something interesting about them. As a matter of fact, we are pretty certain, Sagittarius would be great detectives themselves too. Because if there’s smoke, Sags will most definitely find the fire.
3. Pisces
Pisces is nosy but in a good way, if you see what I mean. They’d love to hear all about their friends and enemies’ love life and dating experiences but they’d hardly ever turn the information on anyone. Even their enemies, we can assure you of that. They use gossip only to entertain themselves. They may even use it to make someone’s life simpler. If your Pisces buddy gets to know that your crush also feels the same about you, they will let you know about it in some extravagant manner so you value them more.
The zodiac also requires closure in their lives and so they attempt to keep track of their ex-lovers as well as ex-best friends. It simply serves to help them move on with life if they know precisely what every one of those people whom they ever cared about is doing. I think we can all identify with Pisces in this at least.
4. Scorpio
Scorpios never ever tell anyone their personal details. But they want to know everyone else’s secrets. If they are good friends with you then they want to know everyone about you. But it is difficult to trust the zodiac when you know that they have a loose tongue. If you wish to spread a rumour you would best leave the task to Scorpio. The star sign is so irresponsible with other people’s secrets. Even their best friends. It’s not like you even have to nudge them hard enough for them to spill gossip. Perhaps it’s because they like to keep discussions interesting or perhaps they like to keep others in suspense of hanging out with them. The issue is Scorpios are the wrong kind of gossipmongers.
They don’t feel guilty about spilling the beans and they definitely don’t mind getting their hands dirty to try and find dirt on someone either. If they want to do something about you, something that you don’t feel at ease revealing, they will manage to get to the information. Even if it involves searching through your phone, hacking into your account, or blackmailing one of your friends to obtain it. Also read: Know What The Shape Of Your Marriage Line Reveals About You
5. Aries
When you are out with Aries there is a high probability that you will get to hear a lot of personal anecdotes about individuals who have wronged them.
They cannot digest people dumping them so they go straight into revenge mode when that happens. The star sign does not have any filter at such times. They will tell the nastiest things and reveal the most intimate information about others without even experiencing an iota of guilt. When it comes to zodiac signs that gossip, Aries is certainly one of the most poisonous gossips out there.

Luckily, Aries doesn’t nurse a grudge for life. They may talk about you or even gossip about you for a bit but they will soon find something more interesting to do. But still, we would advise you not to annoy an Aries, if you don’t want to spoil your image.